Manual Percussion Drilling: Is It Right For Your Water Well Project?

If you need to dig or install a well in a rocky area of land, you may look want to use a method that won't disturb the rock too much. One of the drilling methods you can use for your water well project is manual percussion drilling. Learn more about manual percussion drilling and why it may be right for your water well project below.

What's Manual Percussion Drilling?

Companies use a variety of water well drilling methods today, including percussion drilling. Percussion drilling requires you to manually dig through solid debris quickly and easily, such as rocks and impacted soil. The technique keeps drilling sites clear and free of things that could potentially contaminant them.

Manual percussion drilling also allows you to uncover water hidden deep within the earth. However, you'll need to use specific types of equipment to complete the drilling, including a mechanical drill bit and a wire cable. The cable allows you to slowly raise and lower the drill down the excavation site until you reach the water source.

Although the process can take some time to carry out, it protects the water well site from falling debris, collapsing soil, and unhealthy minerals. If you would like to use the percussion drilling method for your site, contact a service provider today.

How Do You Get Started With Your Drilling?

A service provider can investigate your drill site to see if the manual percussion method is the right choice for it. A provider will need to access the rock and soil conditions to see if they're stable enough to drill in. If the rocks and soil aren't as solid as you initially inspected, you may need to install a temporary casing or pipe inside the drill site to keep it secure until you reach the source of water. 

If the water well site doesn't have any problems that could interfere with the project right away, a provider will begin the drilling. The first thing a provider may do is clear space around the dig site. There should be plenty of space around the site to safely install the drill, cable, and other equipment. There should also be enough workspace to keep your employees safe during the dig.

If manual percussion drilling isn't right for your site, a provider will offer other drilling options to you. The options may include sludging and drive points. A provider can explain how each type of drilling method works when they contact you. 

You can obtain more information about water well drilling by contacting a provider today.
