Important Things You Need to Do Before Your Business Moves From One Location to Another
If your company has to make a hasty move, and you are having a hard time determining what needs to be accomplished to pull it off on time, then there are likely many things you haven't thought about that are vital to your move's success. To ensure that your business will be ready to meet your customer's needs soon after your move date, here is a list of things you need to do in addition to getting all of your stuff packed and moved:
Have New Business Cards and Other Printed Materials Updated With Your New Address
If you use your business's physical address rather than a post office box on your business cards, letterhead, and other printed materials, then you need to have new batches printed with your updated address on them. You should do this immediately and request expedited shipping to ensure that you will not be without these important supplies in the weeks following your move.
Arrange for New Utility Services at Your New Office
Since the last thing you want to do is move to your new office and find that you do not have working water, power, or internet service. If you have not yet done so, you need to call up all of these providers and notify them of your move and set-up service at your new location:
- your electric company
- your water company
- your trash company
- your internet service provider
In addition to each of these utility providers, you also need to call your insurance agent. Your insurance agent needs to know your new address for your company's vehicle insurance bills. Additionally, if your company carries liability or renter's insurance, then those policies will need to be updated for the new location. Your insurance agent will also be able to review your existing coverage and determine if you need to make any other changes while you are speaking with them.
Have Your Webmaster Change the Address on Your Company's Website
Finally, since many of your new customers will likely discover your business online via your website, it is important that they are able to find your new location. To give them time to complete the task, call up your webmaster as soon as possible and ask them to change the address of your business at the close of business on your last day at your old location. This will ensure that everyone who visits your website before and after your move will always be able to find you.
Click to read more tips that will help you prepare for your move.